Rural Broadband Internet:
Commissioner Kirby Moynagh has made it his goal over the next 4 years to bring broadband to our rural communities. He has met with the Meeker Co-Op about bringing broadband out to underserved townships of Wright County. The first ask Commissioner Moynagh has is for residents to fill out the survey found at:
Half way down the page is Online Broadband Line Extension Connection Application. Click on that. It will take you to a survey to complete about your residence or business.
The March Meeting will start at 5:30 pm on Monday, March 10
The yearly audit meeting will be held on Wednesdsay, January 22, 2025 at 5:30 pm
Posted 1/14/2025
Open to all Woodland Township Residents
Friday, December 27
At 5:30 PM
Woodland Township Hall
9065 Clementa Avenue
Montrose, MN 55363
This meeting has been organized to discuss the financial end of the year records
Of Woodland Township
The agenda for the evening to approve the November Financial Records
Along with the financials as of 12/27/24
Posted on 12/23/24
Special Township Meeting-Monday, Novemver 18 at 7:00 pm held at the Woodland Township Hall. This meeting is called to discuss the potential changes to recycling and your recycling assessment. All township residents are encouraged to attend to hear and give feedback on recycling. More details to follow or contact the township clerk at
Special meeting-recycling-november 2024
Wright County requests your assistance in verifying your address. When you contact 911 and provide your mailing address, it may not always correspond with the physical location of your home. Below, you will find a link that allows you to check if your mailing address aligns with your home address. Please enter your address in the address bar located at the upper left side of the page. If your home is indeed at your mailing address, that is excellent news, as 911 dispatchers will be able to send assistance to the correct location. If there is a discrepancy, please report the issue to the county using the option available at the top center of the page. Thank you for your cooperation.
Wright County GIS Has 911 Address Verification App
In an effort to provide more accurate response locations to 911 calls in Wright County, Wright County GIS has released the “911 Address Verification” application. This application allows property owners to view the address and address point location used to dispatch emergency services. In this application property owners can verify addresses and address point locations, report errors, find information about who creates addresses, and help ensure the most efficient response times for emergency services.
Make sure to click on the “Click Here for User Guide” at the top of the screen to learn more about how to use the application. *Note the addresses found in this application do not always align with properties mailing address*. Please forward any questions you have to
Recycling: The Township is asking residents to clean their recyclables out. If there are dirty recyclables on the truck, the load has to be put into the landfill (can’t be recycled). The Township doesn’t get credit for the recycling that day.
Survey: Wright County is asking for input from residents. Take the brief 5 minute survey…
With all of the wet weather we’ve been having if you have water damage in your home or building damage, please contact the assessor: 763-684-8482. This might affect your assessed value.
Public Accuracy Test For The State Primary
Notice is hereby given to the residents of Woodland Township that the public accuracy test for voting equipment used for the State Primary be conducted at the Township Hall on Monday, July 29 at 11 AM. The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.
Dated: July 17, 2024
Primary Election:
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Woodland Township that the regular Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at Woodland Township Hall at 9065 Clementa Ave SW, Montrose, MN 55363 for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices listed which are to be voted for at the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024.
Federal Offices
US Senator
US Representative District 6
The election poll hours are from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.
To vote absentee: Wright County Government Center, 3650 Braddock Avenue NE, Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM. Saturday, August 10 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM and Monday, August 12, 2024 from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.
Dated: July 15, 2024
SAVE THE DATE: Woodland Township Clean up Day will be Saturday, September 14 from 8-11. Items accepted from Woodland Township residents: appliances, tires, batteries, electronics, furniture, light bulbs and scrap metal. A price list will be mailed to residents in August.
Broadband Expansion in Woodland Township:
Woodland Township has been approached by Arvig, a company based in Otter Tail, MN, regarding the possibility of bringing broadband services to our residents. To begin the process, we are currently gathering signatures from interested residents. The Board has made the decision to move forward with this initiative to gauge the level of support for expanding broadband access in our community.
There are four options available for residents to show their support for working with Arvig:
1. Visit Woodland Township Hall to sign a form indicating your support. The form and pens are available for your convenience 24 hours a day.
2. Contact Woodland Township Board Members Barry Pawelk, Dan Domjahn, or Julie Marquardt to arrange a time to sign the form in person.
3. Email with your name, address, and a statement expressing your support for broadband expansion.
4. Sign this online petition:
We encourage you to share this opportunity with neighbors who may also be interested in broadband services.
Reminder: Dust Control Forms are due May 1, 2024. Additional forms are available on the bulletin board at the Hall or by filling out the form on the forms tab.